Is there a heaven and hell?

This comes from the question, is there anything after death. It is very easy for us to see death as the end, because we see our body as being the totality of who we are. The key is that we believe what God says.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16

The Word of God clearly says that there is life after death, but there will be two very different experiences. One will be for those who have taken God seriously and followed His directions by seeking His forgiveness and accepting Him into their life. At that very moment that you commit yourself to God, He places His Spirit into you as a guarantee that you are now one of His family. As you come before Him and give an account of your life to God He will welcome you into his Heaven. There will be overwhelming love, peace, happiness, freedom and purity.

Things that won’t be found in heaven:

Heaven is free from sickness and warsIn heaven there is no darkness, death, or captivity

What won’t be in Heaven

  • Coffins and funeral parlours
  • Medical clinics and hospitals
  • Husband and wives
  • Locks on doors
  • All evil and sinful behaviour

What will be in Heaven

  • No aging
  • People who are very fit and healthy
  • Brothers and sisters
  • Overwhelming love where everyone is welcomed into our lives
  • Everything will be God honouring
  • Beauty, peace, joy, love, kindness, faithfulness and goodness

On the other side there is a destiny for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died to take the punishment for their sins. They will also have to stand before God to give an account of their life and because their name is not recorded in God’s Book of Life, He will say, “I do not know you” and they will be cast into hell which is referred to as the second death. Please take these choices seriously.

What words would you want to hear from Jesus, either:

“Welcome into your new eternal home.”


“Depart from me, I do not know you.”


God’s truth
God loves you and is preparing a place for you far better than you can imagine.
The Devil’s deception
When you are dead that is it. They are just trying to scare you into religion.